ICL lens implantation to authority on myopia/astigmatism correction
#ICL lens insertion
#ICL lens insertion
Many people have been suffering from eye contact lenses and contact lenses, and the inconvenience to restore convenience.Usually, the “LASIK/LASIK/LASIK” is a correction technique that is used to use laser.Because all people are not suitable for all people, it was necessary to check the conformity before the surgery.It is because the eye condition is impossible for surgery itself.The cornea has been too thin, or more advanced vision of the skin, which has not very good.Why can’t you correct your eyesight?I didn’t think it.If the cornea is too thin, I could receive ICL lens insertion.The method of making a fine incision in the cornea and the skin, and the fine incision of the cornea, and corrected lens of the eye correction lens is suitable for correcting the eyesight.IL lens insertion in the middle ophthalmologist, which I can consider the advanced neuropathy, unstable cornea, unstable cornea, unstable cornea, and cornea durability.First, the examination of the cornea including the visual inspection, including vision examination, including vision inspection inspection, including vision examination.If the operation is suitable for surgery, check the power of the consumers, check the operation plan to check the operation plan.IL lens insertion of the ICL lens insertion was not almost damaged, but the scope of cornea/sightedness.The advantages of eyeball structure can be saved and maintain a stable vision.In addition, if the problem is generated after surgery, the most important benefit of the lens to remove the lens from the removal of the lens to recover the original situation.

The reason why such fast surgery time and stable correctional vision can be created was because Apgujeong ophthalmologist has solid skills.The head of Apgujeong ophthalmology team is a medical staff who has been recognized for their skills both at home and abroad, and they were able to perform eye correction stably.Representative Director Kim Joon-hyung was selected as one of the top 100 names in Korea, and he was excellent as an official ICL reference doctor certification recipient owned by only nine people in Korea.CEO Ko Byung-woo is the only medical staff in Korea to receive a special award called ICL Young Ophthalmologist, and he had a lot of experience in ICL lens insertion, so stable correction was possible based on that experience.As much as that, the medical staff has solid skills, so you can easily receive ICL lens insertion, so please feel free to visit.Apgujeong Ophthalmological Clinic Apgujeong Ophthalmological Clinic on the 5973rd and 4th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulApgujeong Ophthalmological Clinic Apgujeong Ophthalmological Clinic on the 5973rd and 4th floors of Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image